My subsequent attempts to use KeyMan's Unix shell script (km) instead - under a Cygwin environment - were much the same: on deployment, an "Invalid keystore format" exception was issued. Clearly, this is about the difference between DOS and Unix file formats. The next obvious step was to simply execute the km script directly under Linux, foregoing any file encoding or translation issues that might be happening with Cygwin. Here, however, after appearing to generate the key pair, the KeyMan GUI went into some kind of blocking wait - or maybe an infinite loop? a deadlock? There was no way to tell; the GUI simply became unresponsive. Followup exercises to include setting KM_HOME in the environment, unpacking the native library support ZIP file and setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to them, and etc. all proved fruitless.
Finally, I reverted to using the JDK keytool utility, and - no surprise - this works out just fine in both Windows and Linux (i.e. in terms of generating a keystore that is recognized by the webserver). Here is the script I use to generate things, in both Linux and Cygwin:
# - Generate key and certificate
OU='Web - Development'
ORG='My Biz Inc.'
# remove it if it's there
[ -f "$KEYSTORE" ] && /bin/rm $KEYSTORE
# generate the keystore with a self-signed cert and an RSA keypair
$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA \
-dname "cn=$CN, ou=$OU, o=$ORG, c=$COUNTRY" \
-alias $ALIAS -keypass $PASS -keystore $KEYSTORE \
-storepass $PASS -validity $EXPIRY
# export the certificate so we can look at it
$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -exportcert -alias $ALIAS -file $CERTFILE -keystore $KEYSTORE -storepass $PASS
# print the certificate
$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/keytool -printcert -file $CERTFILE
If you bump into this error message in the generate step:
Incorrect AVA format'll want to make sure you didn't embed any commas or other special characters in the values you provide. For example, I started out with an Organizational Unit (OU) of 'My Biz, Inc.' - but that provoked the error message. Embedded dashes and periods are apparently OK, but note that I've enclosed any values with embedded spaces in single quotes. That's more a shell issue than a keytool problem.
If you bump into an error message something like this, in the print-certificate step:
lengthTag=109, too big might be trying to pass in the entire keystore to the printcert command; that's why I export the certificate first in the script above, using just that piece as the argument to print it out.
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