Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Followup: Basic Embedded Jetty in Cygwin

In a recent post, I described how to get a basic Jetty web application going, using the embedded approach. Since then, I've reproduced it in a Cygwin environment, and here I'll comment on that exercise.

As it turns out, specifying this type of Java startup in Cygwin (or in Windows XP per se) will not work:

java -server -Dbasedir=/usr/local/mywebapp/war -cp /usr/local/mywebapp/war/WEB-INF/lib/* com.mybiz.MyJettyWebServer

That's because the wild-card expression apparently is not supported in a DOS-based environment - even if I enclose the above classpath in quotes. Instead, I'd need to provide a semi-colon-delimited list (not colon-separated - I'm in XP) of all jars under ./WEB-INF/lib. This is not the kind of thing I'd like to do; maintaining that kind of list would be a headache as the webapp evolves. Additionally, keep in mind that I've told Jetty to start up with an exploded warfile location:

        WebAppContext appContext = new WebAppContext();
        File warPath = new File(System.getProperty("basedir"));
        HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
        handlers.setHandlers(new Handler[]{ appContext, new DefaultHandler() });

This will result in a web-level classloader to load all the jars under WEB-INF/lib, which is arguably redundant, since I'm explicitly setting my classpath to the same thing. That in turn will cause loader constraint violations when running the webapp in an IDE such as Intellij, if the run configuration you're using there points to the same classpath (since that application-level classloader loads the classes first, and then the webapp-level classloader tries to do the same thing). I'll defer solving the Intellij problem for now, and just address basic command line startup.

Given maintenance cost concerns, I'm motivated to load the minimal number of jars needed to get Jetty going, then allow it to load the rest of what it needs from WEB-INF/lib. In my particular setup, that minimal set includes my application jar and three Jetty jars:


I figured out this minimal set by just trying to start up the WebServer class and seeing what classdef-not-found problems I had - then searching for the necessary jar by setting up a bash function that I can reuse:

findclass () { find . -name '*.jar' -o -type f |xargs -i bash -c "jar -tvf {}| tr / . | grep -i "$@" && echo {}"; }

...and subsequently invoking it like this:

findclass <dot-delimited-classname>

Once I have all my dependencies figured out, I can invoke my Jetty program with that minimal set, and rely on the webapp-level classloader to do the rest when the embedded Jetty webserver starts:

java -server -Dbasedir=/usr/local/mywebapp/war -cp "MyApp-1.0.jar;jetty-6.1.21.jar;jetty-util-6.1.21.jar;servlet-api-2.5-20081211.jar" com.mybiz.MyJettyWebServer

Note that I've wrapped the classpath in quotes, and, as mentioned, used semi-colons instead of colons.

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